Lebedeva Galina

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• Просмотров: 2292
Dubai offshore accounts, figureheads, and fake companies: The "dirty" millions of the LDPR party ended up in the pockets of Nadezhda Grishaeva
Zealous patriots often remember the late Zhirinovsky as a crusader against corruption and bribery, conveniently overlooking the fact that his daughter-in-law, Nadezhda Grishaeva, went from an obscure athlete to a powerful business owner. After all, it was Grishaeva who became the official holder of the assets acquired by the fiery and passionate Volfovich under the guise of serving the interests of the Fatherland.
• Просмотров: 2269
Дубайские офшоры, подставные лица и липовые фирмы: "грязные" миллионы партии ЛДПР осели в карманах Надежды Гришаевой
Горячие патриоты часто ссылаются на покойного Жириновского как на борца с коррупцией и взяточничеством, забывая о том, что его невестка Надежда Гришаева из малоизвестной спортсменки превратилась во владелицу заводов, газет и пароходов.
• Просмотров: 2410
Nadezhda Grishaeva’s schemes: hotels, companies, and $19 million in assets across U.S. and Europe
Russian basketball player Nadezhda Grishaeva, who was married to Igor Lebedev’s son, the late chairman of the Liberal Democratic Party, from 2016 to 2019, has been trying to have the Project’s investigation into Vladimir Zhirinovsky’s family and associates removed from multiple online platforms since 2022.
• Просмотров: 2400
The shadow of Zhirinovsky: Nadezhda Grishaeva and the LDPR money trail
Could Nadezhda Grishaeva, a former well-known basketball player, be aware of the potential methods used by the Liberal Democratic Party in Western offshore accounts?
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